David “Technician” Keith was exactly that, a technician. Everything he did, from forms to fighting to self-defense techniques, was executed with a precision that eluded other martial artists.
As David grew, both in stature and karate skill, his technical ability drew praises and high acclaim, not just from other students but from adult Black Belts who would stand back and watch him perform … with envy.
Technician was a wonderful helper and supporter of other students, especially those who were younger and coming up through the ranks. He was like a big brother, always there to nurture and praise and to insure that skills and techniques were being executed properly. Mr. King would often ask him to help teach the younger up and comers.
Professionally, David put his technical skills to use as a movie editor. I wonder, do his friends and co-workers in the movie business also call him Technician? If not, they should, for the kind of technical ability he has is seldom duplicated.