This is a wonderful “Then and Now” photo of Dr. Milt “Super Zedha” Jacobson, the 3rd Black Belt of the Karate Institute of America, receiving his 1st Dan on 20 September 1985, as the collage reveals. Thanks to computer technology, not available to the average person in 1985, Dr. Jacobson poses with his wife, Gloria, in a recent photo taken in September 2013.
“Then,” Dr. J was 60 years old, having begun his Kiado-Ryu martial arts journey at the tender age of 54! “Now,” we see him looking much the same at the age of 89! How does he do it? His answer, he simply takes life as it comes, never worries, and does not stress over what is. In other words, he goes with the flow. Such a philosophy, he notes, has left him “wrinkle free” at his current sage age.
Super Zedha was a major force in the early days of the KIA. An inspiration to all, he was, and still is, an incredible individual. We are so very grateful to have him as a powerful and substantive rock in the legacy of the Kiado-Ryu system of martial arts and the Karate Institute of America. Thank you, Milt! And equal thanks go to you, Gloria, for supporting Milt all these years, especially during his KIA journey!