Kiado-Ryu Karate

Mar 23, 2015 - Photo of the Week

The Family Hoberg - Then & Now

What a difference twenty-five years makes! How fast time flies. Meet the Family Hoberg, all grown up and not stoppin'.

Renegade (Rose Hoberg) received her first dan Black Belt on 9 June 1990. Raphael (Kurt Hoberg) followed suit on 25 April 1992. At that time there were no kids in sight. Hardly the way things are now!

Pictured with Rose and Kurt are their lovely children—Kyle, Erick and April. The boys are now in college; April is a Junior in high school. They’re all doing extremely well and their future is quite bright. Next major life stage for Rose and Kurt—grandparents and grand kids, but probably sooner than twenty-five years!

Thanks for sharing! The KIA wishes you all the very best, and please keep the memories coming!