What a fairytale surprise! Nicole “Goldilocks” Hackler was visiting a “friend” in Irvine and she and I set a lunch date to get caught up after 20 years. She and her husband, Warren, had moved back East in the mid 90s, and although we were still in communication we hadn’t seen each other in all that time.
But when Goldilocks arrived for our lunch date—surprise, surprise! Who did she bring with her but the Brown twins—Jenny and Lori, also KIA 2nd degree Brown Belts and whom I had also not seen in decades! Yet, looking at these gorgeous ladies you would never know it had been twenty years. They all look the same today as they did then. No foolin’. Whatever secret youth formula they have they need to bottle it and sell it.
And, boy, did we all have a great laugh! Their surprise went off without a hitch. It was terrific, and I was thrilled, especially to reunite with three of the most positive, fun, exuberant and youthful ladies in KIA history.
In the photo, Jenny is in the turquoise top, Lori in the red and Nicole in the center. And those smiles you see on their faces, they’re fixtures. These three gals smile and laugh more than any three people on the planet. They are always upbeat and they are all such a joy to be around.
More to come from our “surprise” lunch date. Stay tuned.