With a beaming and relieved smile, Judy “Striker” Gompf poses with Mr. King after her successful Orange Belt test. Having moved out of the area, Striker was able to return and finish her goal. By the way, her basics were just as good as they were when she moved over a year ago. She didn’t skip a beat. This is such a great testimony to her persistence and determination, which her following inspirational quote corroborates:
No matter where life leads you or how long it takes you to get to your goal, don’t give up, even if you want to throw up during your karate test, fight through it and get it done.
As a side note, Striker is seeking employment in the legal field in Orange County. She has extensive experience, so if any law firms or associated companies are looking for an excellent addition to their organization, contact Mr. King (King @ Kiado-Ryu.com) and he’ll get you connected.