Kiado-Ryu Karate

Jun 12, 2016 - Photo of the Week

Black Belt in Blue

Always with a smiling, optimistic, positive attitude is Terry “Slider” Bass, the fiftieth Black Belt of the Karate Institute of America, pictured here in his ubiquitous blue gi. Slider achieved his first dan on 13 December 1997.

Possessing a strong, noble and generous character, Slider has been a staunch supporter of the KIA and other students, often attending the Black Belt tests of prospective candidates.

As a fighter, Terry is very crafty, skilled, determined. He also loves to mix it up when he can, having sparred often with fellow KIA Black Belt, Dan “Basai” Asay during a fifteen year period, which unfortunately terminated due to their personal injuries.

Terry and his lovely wife Liz recently visited Istanbul, Turkey, in August of 2015 while on a Mediterranean Cruise. It was Slider’s first time visiting that part of the world.

Two of Slider’s current passions are mountain biking and tennis, which he played in high school. He also loves taking his biking to multiple levels—for exercise and socializing and also, as he says, for the “crazy downhill stuff for thrills, chills and fun.” The following two photos are of his jaunts to Mammoth Mountain in Northern California.

Hey, Slider! You should get together with Mike “Shooter” Benedict. He also loves mountain biking. You two can form a professional team, “Slider & Shooter”—Black Belt Bikers!

Oh, and for the public, here’s a story from one of Terry’s Brown Belt tests. It was late in the test, well past midnight, a test which had begun at 6:00 P.M. Terry and the other candidates were totally exhausted at the end of the test, as well they should be. Thinking the exam was over, Whitefire requested Slider to come to the center of the testing floor. Slider seemed puzzled. Once there, Whitefire asked him to do Institute Form #4, one of the KIA’s most difficult katas, again! When asked, the expression on Slider’s face was priceless. OMG, if looks could kill! Obviously, he did not appreciate being requested to do Institute Form #4 yet another time, especially after midnight, more especially after being extremely tuckered out. Yet, true to his character, Slider executed the kata, and you know what? It was an awesome performance, the best of the evening, creating a KIA memory of dedication, devotion and excellence that will live in the annuals of the KIA forever! Way to go, Slider!

Terry has been working for First American Title as a software developer for the past nine years.

Stay well, Slider. All the best to you and Liz, and thanks for your positive, undying and unyielding spirit, which has had a marvelously positive effect on all of us.