Kiado-Ryu Karate

Oct 31, 2016 - Photo of the Week

For Those Who Remember the King Girls...

Like everyone else, times change, and kids, well, they do grow up and have their own families and lives. Such are the circles and cycles of life.

For those of you who remember my girls—Christa and Chandra—when they were young and hanging out at the studio, here they are, all grown up with their own beautiful families.

On the bottom row (right) is Christa with her husband, Mike, just behind her. Paige, their older daughter, is sitting on the left and her younger sister, Emery, is next to Christa.

Chandra (glasses) is next to her husband, Dan (far left), and their newest child is Meara, sitting (sleeping) on mom’s lap. Their two boys are Rory (far left) and Ciaran (red shirt).

This photo was taken in the summer of 2016 at Chandra and Dan’s home in the Boston area. It is wonderful they could all get together, which they do a couple times each year. Thank God for airplanes!

I’m extremely proud of my girls, their husbands and kids. They are all exceptional individuals, talented and successful, with loving hearts and radiant spirits. I could not be more blessed.