The Hawk flew into the Karate Institute of America in the 1980s, developed his martial arts skills, became a champion fighting and forms competitor, and moved deeply into the Brown Belt rankings until his destiny forced him in the 1990s to spread his wings and fly to other regions. However, as destiny would also demand, he returned to his KIA home for an awesome visit and get-together with Mr. King, sharing stories of old and great events of daring-do.
Hawk, of course, is his call sign. His name is Chip Robinson, and he was, at one time, the #1 fighter at the KIA, winning his first fighting competition as an Orange Belt. He went on to garner other championships in both fighting and forms divisions proving, in fact, that relatively tall martial artists can be great forms champions as well as fighters.
Chip’s drive to be the best and maintain a high sense of ethics and standards have led him to become an extremely successful businessman. He is President of The Management Works, Inc., a Newport Beach real estate company employing 44 people. He is also the proud father of four children.
The following photo of Chip was taken in 1990 by photographer and copyright holder Genny “Cougar” Edge. Some old timers may remember the location, which was behind the old studio among the trees.

Here, Chip shares a hug with pal Genny Edge, the 13th Black Belt of the Kiado-Ryu.

Chip Robinson was a gifted, technical, courageous, fearsome, daunting fighter—qualities responsible for his many fighting championships. His positive presence is seen in this photo, an intimidating presence to his opponents, to be sure.

All hawks have mothers, of course. Pictured below is Chip’s mother, Mrs. Robinson—a wonderfully gracious and classy woman—with her son and some weird lookin’ dude having a bad hair day.

Pictured with Dan “Basai” Asay during a 1991 KIA showcase, Hawk observes, pondering his upcoming fight and assessing the competition. Friendly event or not, Hawk was always eyeing his prey and calculating how he would triumph over his opponent. (Photo courtesy of Genny Edge).

Ever the gracious gentleman, Hawk congratulates David “Nails” Mooney on his Black Belt coronation in the Fall of 1991.

The following photo was taken after a sparring class in 1988. Surrounding Hawk in the back row are, left to right, Craig Flemming, Dave Chrisman, Genny Edge and Dr. David Shoemaker. Front row, left to right, are Dan Asay, Rose Hoberg (then Guck), Mr. Magluyan and Chris Jenkins.

This is a proud moment. Chip shares his first tournament championship trophy with Mr. King. In fact, Hawk has this photo hanging in his office with other KIA pics!

These next photos are quite interesting. As Chip and Mr. King were having lunch, they decided to take a photo in front of the old studio located at 308 Lambert St. in Lake Forest. The first pic is as the studio frontice was in 1987. The latter two pics are of the same location, currently occupied by a different owner and business.

Bringing this pictorial essay up to date are Hawk and Mr. King at the old KIA location site. These two photos were taken on Tuesday, 12 December 2016.

It is impossible to put into words the immense, almost incalculable, feeling of reconnecting with KIA students and friends throughout these five decades. Such great memories, such great people, such awesome relationships. Thank you, Hawk, for reconnecting with us. You are, truly, a class act and extraordinary human being!