Kiado-Ryu Karate

Aug 7, 2017 - Photo of the Week

Feature of the Week: The Irrefutable Reason and Reality for Persistence

One of the standard principles of the Karate Institute of America is persistence. What KIA student has never heard these powerful words from the 30th President of the United States, Calvin Coolidge.

Nothing in the world can take the place of persistence. Talent will not. Nothing is more common than unsuccessful men with talent. Genius will not. Unrewarded genius is almost a proverb. Education will not: the world is full of educated derelicts. Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent.

Case in point courtesy of the men’s 100 meter final at the IAAF (International Association of Athletics Federation) World Championships in London, England, on 5 August 2017. Justin Gatlin, a former 100 meters champion had never beaten his nemesis, Usain Bolt—the world’s undisputed king of speed, until Bolt’s final solo race of his career. In the epic showdown Gatlin, who had lost to Bolt every time the two raced since 2013, won the Gold medal during the 100 meters premier event in 9.92 seconds. The Silver Medal went to fellow American Christian Coleman with a time of 9.94. The legendary phenom Usain Bolt finished 3rd, taking the Bronze Medal, in 9.95 seconds.

Gatlin’s performance was pure testimony of the power of persistence and determination. It would have been easy for Gatlin simply to hang up his track spikes, having never beaten the iconic Usain Bolt, but Gatlin never gave up. He kept training, honing his skills, mind and spirit, and in a flash of 9.92 seconds he gained the title the “Fastest Man Alive.” Gatlin returned, once again, to his former championship self. And how did he do it? Persistence and determination. That’s the key. That’s always the key. If you have a dream, never give up. Never. Justin Gatlin never gave up his dream to beat Usain Bolt and he did so at the IAAF World Championships in London, England, on 5 August 2017. Congratulations to Justin Gatlin, not only for his Gold Medal at the World Championships, but more importantly for being an example of never, never, never, quitting.

The KIA extends its gratitude for, once again, a human being driving the point home that in life, to be successful in any endeavor, persistence and determination are omnipotent!