Remember this photo of the Brothers Ligtvoet (Raptor & Smasher) from August of 2019? Well, as we all know, time marches on and while old people grow older the young grow taller.
Take a look at the next pic!
Raptor hasn’t changed much but Smasher certainly has! He’s now taller than his instructor (guess who?) and nearly as tall as his brother. It won’t be long before the younger outstrips his elder brother, possibly. At any rate, they’ll most likely be at least the same size. And guess who won’t be getting picked on (lovingly) much longer? In fact, Smasher has excellent hand work and can hold his own quite well when the brothers do some hand-to-hand sparring. He also has thunderous kicks and one of the best hooking heel kicks around, as in over his head! He is rapidly becoming a worthy adversary for any opponent.
The following is a great photo of the Brothers Ligtvoet. And what you see in this pic is what you get. These two KIA students are very special and share an extraordinary relationship as well, the result of great parenting thanks to their mom and dad.
Following is a photo of them having a little fun with the Karate Institute of America’s newest self-defense tool—RyuStick™. Very playful but also very real … and dangerous.
And, of course, the Black Belt wins the contest! Rank does have its privileges, at least until Smasher earns his Black Belt ranking. Then it’s Black Belt vs. Black Belt and let the best man win!
As a side note, in December of this year (2021) Raptor will be promoted to 4th Dan Black Belt! No small achievement. He’s been studying at the KIA since he was 8 years old. He’s now 22, is working in the computer services industry, going to school, living on his own, and enjoying life with his girlfriend.
Smasher is an excellent student in school, loves horseback riding, and is closing in on his KIA Blue Belt. We’ll bring you that story when it unfolds.
The KIA is grateful for the support of Raptor’s and Smasher’s parents—Ed and Atousa. They have done an excellent job raising their sons. Great things are happening with the entire family with greater things to come! Thank you all, Ligtvoet Family, for your unwavering participation and support of the Karate Institute of America and the Kiado-Ryu system of martial arts!