Kiado-Ryu Karate


Nov 4, 2024 - Feature of the Week

R. I. P. Liz "Quasar" Avram

Kiado-Ryu Black Belt #46

It is with a sad heart that I share with you the passing of Liz Avram, call sign “Quasar,” on Sunday, 27 October 2024. She died of stage 4 cancer and was 61 years young. Her husband, Dean, was kind enough to pass on the sad and heartbreaking news. It would be appreciated if Kiado-Ryu students could send prayers to the Avram family, especially to Liz’s beloved husband.

Liz “Quasar” Avram (Eckes) is the 46ᵗʰ Black Belt of the Kiado-Ryu and only the 8ᵗʰ female to achieve a Black Belt status. Obviously, an extremely impressive accomplishment. Quasar was one of the most graceful and beautiful forms performers. Her motion was unique in kata demonstration and expression.

Quasar was always a keen student with a desire to learn and succeed at everything she did. Forms, fighting, self-defense, weapons and showcase participation, Liz embraced it all. She was beautiful and tough, just like the other seven Black Belt women of the Kiado-Ryu.

Fighting-wise, Liz’s most successful technique was a roundhouse kick that almost always found its way to her opponent’s head. Also, Quasar learned to use her reach quite well. To her credit, she never complained in fighting the guys. She’d go punch-for-punch, kick-for-kick with anyone at any time.

Until she and Dean married and moved to Nevada, Quasar would always support the functions and Black Belt tests at the Karate Institute of America. In her time she was an integral fixture and a pleasant one to have around, especially in a place saturated with male energy. When she moved away her KIA pals were happy for her but sad in the loss of one so supportive of the KIA. Now, we morn her passing, sadly, but are totally grateful for her energy, ability and grace.

Quasar received her Black Belt on August 10ᵗʰ, 1996. It seems like yesterday rather than the twenty-eight years between then and now. As the 46ᵗʰ Black Belt of the Karate Institute of America, Liz joins the following known students who have passed away and who are forever one of the most revered, honored and celebrated martial artists on the Kiado-Ryu “Wall” which currently houses only 65 Black Belts over a span of 45 years and 3300 students

~ R. I. P. ~

  • Jerry “Bones” Gentry—Black Belt #2
  • Dr. Milt “Super Zedha” Jacobson—Black Belt #3
  • Rod “Rock” Hickman—Black Belt #9
  • Eric “E.V.” Vind—Black Belt #10
  • Dr. David “Rhino” Shoemaker—Black Belt #17.
  • Vince “Sly” Weber—Black Belt #41
  • Liz “Quasar” Avram (Eckes)—Black Belt #46


Richard Andrew King
Founder & Grandmaster of Kiado-Ryu Karate and the Karate Institute of America

It stands, unyielding, to an every-present flow of suppliants:

It beckons, calling and challenging those
whose spirit would be tested in the fire:

It rewards and holds within its bosom and on its face
those individuals who came to challenge and to conquer
and prove their spirit equal to the task:

It honors and presents forever to the world
those collective souls whose spirits would never die,
would never yield to the fire of its own relentless spirit;

It stands as a grand and noble legacy for grand and
noble conquerors — Black Belts of the Kiado-Ryu.
It is their exclusive right, their exclusive heritage,
their exclusive destiny.
It is undeniably and unquestionably
their WALL.


You are sorely missed.