Kiado-Ryu Karate

Black Belt #3: Dr. Milt "Super Zedha" Jacobson

Dr. Milt “Super Zedha” Jacobson was the anchor of the KIA in its early days. He began his KIA experience at the tender age of fifty-four and achieved his Black Belt rating at age sixty! His maturity, wisdom, spirit, common sense, and fatherly demeanor were a great blessing as the roots of the Karate Institute of America took hold in the early 1980s.

Although not as young as other students, Dr. Jacobson never once asked for special treatment. He did everything other students did and even more. Remarkably, at age sixty and during his Black Belt test, he executed a jumping front/back kick combination, a skill eluding many students three-quarters his age.

The KIA is deeply indebted to Dr. Jacobson and he will always be regarded as the first student who truly understood the principles of the KIA way. He will forever stand as a sentinel for the development of character, gratitude, and grace.