In many schools of Okinawan karate, before the development of the formal styles known today (e.g., shorin-ryu, goju-ryu, or uechi-ryu), naihanchi shodan was often the first kata learned by a novice karateka. It introduces the concepts of generating power in a small space with isolated movements as well as the way to block an attack while delivering a counterattack simultaneously.
Naihanchi was originally created as a single kata, practiced for between one and three years under the tutelage of a teacher, until it was mastered.
Four Star General Norman Schwarzkopf is one of America’s most vaunted military leaders and a true hero. As commander of the United States Central Command, he orchestrated and led the quick and decisive defeat of one of the world’s most notorious villains, Saddam Hussein, during the Gulf War in 1990.
“Stormin’ Norman,” as he was known by his men, was a tough and valiant warrior, having served in the Vietnam War as a battalion commander.
One of the greatest gifts of martial arts is that rising to any rank requires struggle. It is struggle that makes us stronger, sharper, more skilled, refined, tough and enduring. Rising to the level of Black Belt in the Kiado-Ryu System of Martial Arts demands years of study and thousands of hours of practice—always refining and developing our technique and character.
Martial Arts is Life and as martial arts is full of struggles and challenges, so is life.
From The Black Belt Book of Life: Secrets of a Martial Arts Master.
As the greatest gift exacts the greatest price,
the greatest accomplishment
exacts the greatest sacrifice.
Spiritual development requires great sacrifice.
Saint Sawan Singh Sacrifice, which is the passion of great souls, has never been the law of societies.
Henri Frédéric Amiel Great achievement is usually born of great sacrifice, and is never the result of selfishness.
Napoleon Hill Present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service.
Alexander the Great was one of history’s greatest military leaders. He lived in the 3rd Century B.C. and was never defeated in battle.
As King of Macedon, Alexander created one of the largest empires in the ancient world.
The following quote (or a facsimile) is attributed to Alexander. It emphasizes the immense power of leadership.
Great fighters are great thinkers. Battles are won with brain, not brawn. Sun Tzu’s words of avoiding peril are as universally true today as they were in his time.
It’s hard to believe how fast time flies. Yet, the special memories of days-gone-by fortunately do not die but forever remain imprinted on those of us who lived them.
So many Black Belts have sent emails recalling, and being grateful for, the glorious past and brotherhood they created through their enormous personal gifts and exceptional energies.
The following photo was taken on Saturday, 9 June 1990, at our KIA studio in Lake Forest, CA, after a Black Belt Coronation ceremony honoring Rod “Rock” Hickman, Eric “E.
The strongest man in the world is he who stands most alone.
Henrik Ibsen I am sure of this, that by going much alone a man will get more of a noble courage in thought and word than from all the wisdom that is in books.
Ralph Waldo Emerson We must learn to live with ourselves, independently of anything in this world.
Saint Charan Singh I never must forget that none’s my true companion here, for all are gathered here for selfish ends.
From The Black Belt Book of Life: Secrets of a Martial Arts Master.
Symbol before substance —
pandemic renowned.
Symbol before substance —
deluded clown.
Substance Before Symbol —
turn it around.
Substance Before Symbol —
deservéd crown!
Beware that you do not lose the substance by grasping at the shadow.
Aesop Be not deceived with the first appearance of things, for show is not substance.
English proverb The leader shows that style is no substitute for substance.
CONGRATULATIONS SMASHER, aka Aidan Ligtvoet, on being promoted to Purple Belt! Aidan’s test was on 6 August 2019. Pictured from left to right are his brother, Tristan, aka “Raptor” (the 64th Black Belt of the Kiado-Ryu who currently holds a 2nd Dan ranking); mom Atousa and dad Edward.
Smasher’s journey to Purple Belt was a long one but highly inspirational. Aidan is the epitome of the #1 quality common to all successful people, and especially those distinguished individuals who became Kiado-Ryu Black Belts—persistence.