Chris “Growler” Grau, Kiado-Ryu Black Belt #36, a 2nd Dan and webmaster of, executes an elbow strike during a close-quarter practice session. Having excellent, functional, and powerful hand and arm strikes—which Growler most definitely has—is a most important ingredient of being an excellent Karate Institute of America Black Belt. Oh, the beard looks good, too!
Kneeling in a quiet moment of solitude is Soham “Falcon” Maniar, next in line for becoming the 64th Black Belt of the Karate Institute of America. Soham is an excellent student, is applying himself well, and is on target for a late summer black belt test. We are expecting to see an excellent performance as he continues the legacy of the Kiado-Ryu in grand fashion.
Annette “Warrior” Dale executes an offset drop on Black Belt Mike “Shooter” Benedict. Noticeable is Warrior’s complete focus on her target, correct fist position, and overall form. The indomitable spirit of this feminine warrior is one of the distinguishable factors of her martial artistry. Warrior is not only an excellent role model for women and young ladies, she is no less a stellar example for men and young boys alike.
How proud we are at the Karate Institute of America of Specialist Anna Griffin, now serving our country in the U.S. Army—as have many of her siblings. She did her basic training at Ft. Leonard Wood, Missouri. Congratulations on your new endeavor, Wildcat. You make us all so very proud!