Kiado-Ryu Karate

Dec 2, 2013 - Photo of the Week

Rainbow Hannibal

Hannah “Hannibal” Shamassian expresses her creative flair in wearing “Rainbow” leggings for her private karate lesson. But don’t let the fancy colors fool you. Hannah wasn’t named for one of the greatest military generals of all time, Hannibal, for no good reason. She is one tough … but feminine … young woman. We’re glad she’s on our side! I’m sure we’ll see more of her creative flair as her Karate Institute of America journey continues.

Nov 25, 2013 - Photo of the Week

Achilles Strikes a Pose

Jake, aka, “Achilles,” son of “Warrior”, strikes a pose as he practices during one of his Orange belt lessons while studying for his Purple belt. Achilles is one of the finest young men you could ever meet, as well as being a first class athlete and martial artist. And to think that he is only ten years old!

Nov 18, 2013 - Photo of the Week

Congratulations Zemia Garrett!

Congratulations to Zemia “Barracuda” Garrett on the accomplishment of her Karate Institute of America Orange Belt ranking. Barracuda, who is in the manufacturing business, has a roundhouse kick that would rival those of higher level martial artists. We look forward to watching her progress, as she tackles her Purple Belt ranking with the ferociousness of a true barracuda!

Nov 11, 2013 - Photo of the Week

Growler & Cultivator Hit 4th Dan!

Mr. King congratulates Chris “Growler” Grau and Kim “Cultivator” Thomas on the extremely noteworthy achievement of their 4th Dan Black Belt ranking. Messrs. Grau and Thomas of the Karate Institute of America achieved this distinguished rank on 22 October 2013. They are the highest ranking active Black Belts in the Kiado-Ryu martial arts system.

Nov 4, 2013 - Photo of the Week

Raptor's Success

Congratulations to Tristan “Raptor” Ligtvoet on the accomplishment of his 2nd Degree Brown Belt on 22 October 2013. Raptor is fifteen years of age. With Mr. King on the conferring panel are Black Belts Chris “Growler” Grau and Kim “Cultivator” Thomas.

Oct 22, 2013 - Photo of the Week

A Barracuda on the Rise

Zemia “Barracuda” Garrett of the Karate Institute of America strikes a pose in preparation for her Orange Belt test at the end of October. Dedicated and determined, Ms. Garrett, who is in the manufacturing business, has a wicked roundhouse kick that would rival any higher level student. We look forward to her impending success and future studies at the KIA.

Oct 14, 2013 - Photo of the Week

Major Accomplishments Rising

Major Accomplishments Rising for THREE KIA Students Chris “Growler” Grau and Kim “Cultivator” Thomas pose with soon-to-be second degree Brown Belt Tristan “Raptor” Ligtvoet upon successful completion of his test on Tuesday, 22 October 2013, 7:00 P.M. Growler and Cultivator will be completing their requirements for a 4th Dan Black Belt rating with a performance of a few upper division katas. 4th Dan is a highly prestigious Karate Institute of America black belt rank held only by one other Kiado-Ryu martial artist—Dan “Basai” Asay (currently inactive).

Oct 7, 2013 - Photo of the Week

Son of a Cougar

Jimmy Edge, shown here in a black gi top, red pants, and purple belt is the son of Genny “Cougar” Edge (Kiado-Ryu Black Belt #13) as he bows in before performing his kata at a martial arts tournament in 1985.

Sep 23, 2013 - Photo of the Week

Boys of a Maddog

Pictured with his handsome young sons is Kiado-Ryu Black Belt #14 Greg “Maddog” Bendel. His youngest son, Marcus, just started the 3rd grade; elder son Hunter, the 6th grade. Maddog works for Hewlett Packard as a Business Continuity Consultant. He also serves as a reserve sergeant for Orange County Sheriff’s Search and Rescue division. During the 1980s and 1990s, Greg exercised his black belt acumen as an instructor for the Karate Institute of America.

Sep 17, 2013 - Photo of the Week

Flashback: Dr. Milton "Super Zedha" Jacobson

Dr. Milton “Super Zedha” Jacobson is the 3rd Black Belt of the Karate Institute of America. During his journey he paused for a moment to pose with his nunchucks—a standard Kiado-Ryu weapon. Milt began his martial arts journey at age 54 and achieved his 1st Dan Black Belt rating at age 60! What an inspiration!