One of the wonderful aspects of the Karate Institute of America is the number of enduring relationships created over the years. One of the most precious is that of “Goldilocks and the Brown Bears,” i.e., Nicole Hackler, Lori and Jenny Brown.
From left to right: Jenny, Nicole, Lorie. Summer, 2016, SoCal.
This summer Nicole had a chance to visit SoCal and she was able to connect with her KIA buddies, Lori and Jenny.
She’s known to her friends as Lauren; to her former AP teachers as Ms. Haller; to her boyfriend, Kiado-Ryu Black Belt #64, Tristan “Raptor” Ligtvoet, as his gorgeous girlfriend. However, to the Karate Institute of America she’s known by her call sign, “Nuke.”
Why “Nuke?” Just take a couple of her back kicks to any part of your body and you’ll know why, painfully, if not worse! That is if you’re still standing … and conscious.
This is fun. Mike Shamassian, Hannibal’s father, applied a little Picasso artistry to several photos of his daughter’s Purple Belt test. They’re very unique! Enjoy.
Hannah and her father, Mike
Hannah’s brother, Josh; Mrs. Shamassian; Mr. King
Hannah, Master Thomas, Tristan Ligtvoet, Mr. King
Hannah and Mr. King
Hannah “Hannibal” Shamassian has been spying a Purple Horizon for some time now. On 21 July 2016, she crossed that horizon through great determination, persistence and an undying will—all met to the thunderous applause and approval of those who witnessed her accomplishment. Way to go, Hannah! Great job! You are truly an inspiration, the epitome of persistence and the manifestation of the great British Prime Minister Winston Churchill’s eternal words: Never, never, never, never give up!
As a follow up to last week’s feature of the week, “Wildcat On The Move,” Anna Griffin sent a few stunningly beautiful photos of Lake Coeur d’Alene, Idaho. They are breath-taking! Enjoy the photos and all KIA features of the week at the Kiado-Ryu website.
As nature has her wildcats, so does the Karate Institute of America, and our Wildcat, like Nature’s, is on the move!
Anna “Wildcat” Griffin is the 55th Black Belt of the Kiado-Ryu. She began her KIA journey at age 11. In 1998 she earned her 1st Dan Black Belt rating. True to her call sign, Wildcat is as tough as they come and a true legend in KIA history.
Anna, a former United States Army veteran of eight years, relocated from the central plains of the U.
In so many ways the civilization of the 21st Century lives in the delusion that symbol is more important than substance; that the character of who we are has been turned inside-out and upside-down to where it’s more important to be superficially adorned with the trappings of celebrity, fame, name, power, wealth, status, popularity and gamesmanship than it is to be anchored in principles of character, humility, honesty, honor, dignity, purity and substance.
Always with a smiling, optimistic, positive attitude is Terry “Slider” Bass, the fiftieth Black Belt of the Karate Institute of America, pictured here in his ubiquitous blue gi. Slider achieved his first dan on 13 December 1997.
Possessing a strong, noble and generous character, Slider has been a staunch supporter of the KIA and other students, often attending the Black Belt tests of prospective candidates.
As a fighter, Terry is very crafty, skilled, determined.
Swords are sharp … and cutting. The word “Shuto” is defined as a hand used like a sword in striking. Jerry “Shuto” Alston, the 28th Black Belt of the Kiado-Ryu (1994), not only used his hands as cutting implements on his opponents but he also used his mind as a cutting instrument to whittle his adversaries down to size.
In fact, one of Shuto’s greatest assets, if not his greatest asset, is his mind.