Kim “Cultivator” Thomas and Tristan “Raptor” Ligtvoet strike a pose in solidarity as their date with KIA history is set—15 December 2015, Tuesday.
And what is the historical significance? Mr. Thomas will be completing the requirements for his fifth dan Black Belt, an accomplishment earning the title “Master” in the Karate Institute of America system, a feat never before attained in the KIA’s 36 year history.
The second part of the historical evening will witness Mr.
The substance of this anonymous quote is the bedrock of the fighting philosophy of the Karate Institute of America. Assailants beware!
Congratulations to Zemia “Barracuda” Garrett on the accomplishment of her Blue Belt on 28 October! Zemia is extremely dedicated and has worked diligently to achieve her new rank at the Karate Institute of America.
Besides her diligence and dedication, another remarkable talent Barracuda exhibits is her fiery and feisty competitiveness. She can really turn up the heat when she fights, clearly holding her own with any dude.
And power? Ouch!
Raptors were born to fly, and Tristan “Raptor” Ligtvoet does just that - going air-borne as he prepares for his upcoming Black Belt test.
When Tristan began his martial arts journey at eight years old, he could hardly get his legs above knee height. However, with years of study and development, his ability and talent grew as he moved up through the ranks of the Karate Institute of America.
Who would have ever thunk it—Hannah “Hannibal” Shamassian having a twin sister? Such is the level of today’s technology. Just a little photo adjustment and Presto! Twins!
And how cool is this chick? Check out the attire—matching pink Tee and shoes with contrasting blue and black tights! Cool! Is this a prelude to a clothing designer profession, perhaps?
But don’t let the attire capture all of your attention. Those roundhouse kicks are looking really good.
The following statement by Sun Tzu applies equally to each of us in our life struggles, just as it does in war.
It is the business of a general to be serene and inscrutable, impartial and self-controlled.
Sun Tzu The Art of War (Translation by Samuel B. Griffith) By being serene and self-controlled in any situation, we allow ourselves to think more clearly, assess the situation more completely and make better and wiser decisions.