Kiado-Ryu Karate

Jun 12, 2017 - Photo of the Week

Coming Soon! The Karate Consciousness: From Worldly Warrior to Mystic Master

Front Cover. Cover artist: Adam “Frog” Mahan Back Cover The Karate Consciousness: From Worldly Warrior to Mystic Master is dedicated to the philosophy that karate is both an excellent system for the integration of body, mind and spirit as well as an excellent vehicle for the evolution of one’s consciousness of life from a mundane perspective to a more elevated and edified reality. Just as many martial arts systems are comprised of an ascending ladder of colored belts to designate accomplishment, so life is also comprised of an ascending ladder of levels of consciousness from worldly to divine.

Jun 5, 2017 - Photo of the Week

Striker's on the Move: Upward!

Judy “Striker” Gompf is back on track and on the move toward her Purple Belt and a new career. Having taken some time off, she is diligently practicing her Kiado-Ryu forms, techniques, and fighting skills, as well as cross training. She recently set a new personal best of 800 lunges! That’s right, 800! Quite a feat, especially after only being able to do 20 lunges at a time when she first started.

May 22, 2017 - Photo of the Week

KIA Authoress Lands Chicken Soup For The Soul Inclusion In its 2017 "Military Families" Edition!

Nicole “Goldilocks” Hackler—KIA Faithful and Marine Corps wife to retired husband, Warren—has added the title of “Authoress” to her many accomplishments. Congratulations, Goldilocks! Nicole’s poem, A Knock on the Door, is included in the 2017 edition of Chicken Soup for the Soul: Military Families, 101 Stories about the Force Behind the Forces. Lovely as always, and with her contagious effervescent personality, as always, Goldilocks poses with the book that has put her on the map of published authors.

May 15, 2017 - Photo of the Week

Last Week: One & Done. This Week: One & Dead

Sadly, this week’s feature reveals the power of one punch, one cowardly sucker punch which ended the life of a forty-five year old father of five children, Louie Campos. The original story, written by Melissa MacBride: A follow-up story by ABC News reports that the murderer, an ex-felon, has been arrested and awaits trial: Two major lessons can be learned from this tragedy: A single punch can be lethal.

May 8, 2017 - Photo of the Week

One & Done

Black Belt vs. Pimp (Knowledge vs. Stupidity) Movies are filled with fight scenes that go on forever and ever, giving people the illusion that such extended engagements are the reality of street fights. Not so when a well-trained Black Belt is involved. The following four-part screen cap reveals how knowledge triumphs in many situations, and in this case it is “one and done.” As the narration of the video states, the black dude is a pimp who assaults a Black Belt named Jay Lee, who, upon assault from the pimp, preempts the attacker and knocks the dude out with one blow, in what appears to be a lead armbar to the head/neck area.

May 1, 2017 - Photo of the Week

Great Lady, Great Leader

Margaret Thatcher served Great Britain as Prime Minister from 1979 to 1990. The first woman to have held the PM position, she was not only a great lady but a great leader—tough, smart, and uncompromising, qualities which garnered her the appellation of “The Iron Lady.” Today’s world could definitely benefit from more of Thatcher’s leadership, strength and courage. The Karate Institute of America applauds her, especially in her belief of self-responsibility and personal ownership—qualities any KIA student understands.