Kiado-Ryu Karate

Oct 31, 2022 - Feature of the Week

Build A Golden Bridge

Let’s say you and some friends or family are out for a walk in the woods. Accidentally, you come across a mountain lion. You throw up your hands, scream and shout and do all you can do to frighten him so he’ll go away. However, not having any free space in which to run away to safety, the lion backs into a corner, frightened. Now what? You have a frightened predator who lives his life by killing and who finds himself trapped in a corner with a bunch of human beings who, themselves, are also frightened but who do not live their lives by killing, generally.

Oct 17, 2022 - Feature of the Week

Captain Lou Gacs: Martial Artist Extraordinaire

In any field of endeavor there are always levels of expertise from beginner, to intermediate, to advanced, to expert and beyond. Captain Lou Gacs, USMC retired, has surpassed that level of what is “beyond” to a level of martial arts excellence that is simply extraordinary. Without a doubt, Captain Lou Gacs is a “Martial Artist Extraordinaire.” It is one thing for an individual to attain a Black Belt rating in one style of martial arts.

Oct 3, 2022 - Feature of the Week

Female Danger - Nurturing Instincts

A fellow martial artist recently shared the following story. Pay attention if you value your money, jewelry, even your life—especially if you’re a woman. In the community of Newport Beach, CA, theft is increasing, just like everywhere else in the world. A man, acting as if he was in dire trouble and needing assistance, approached a woman in her car. The woman was wearing a nice necklace and beautiful jewelry on her hands and wrists.

Sep 19, 2022 - Feature of the Week

Tough Times? So Get Tougher

These are tough times, right? So what’s the answer? It’s simple. Get tougher. Life is not complicated. We exist in a bi-polar universe. Therefore, there will always be good times and bad times. There is day and there is night; hot and cold, wet and dry, winter and summer; fall and spring, etc. Wisdom necessitates that we understand this universal principle and plan accordingly—emotionally, physically, financially, spiritually. One of the noticeable things about the environment of present-day earth is that it is obviously going through tough times.

Sep 5, 2022 - Feature of the Week

The Secret of Greatness

From The Black Belt Book of Life: Secrets of a Martial Arts Master. In the realm of greatness and all of its immensity, the secret to its attainment is the overcoming of adversity. A great man stands on God. A small man stands on a great man. Ralph Waldo Emerson Responsibility is the price of greatness. Winston Churchill No man ever yet became great by imitation. Samuel Johnson Some are born great, some achieve greatness, and some have greatness thrust upon ’em.

Aug 22, 2022 - Feature of the Week

The "Still Stance"

The world population in this year of 2022 is nearly eight billion people (8,000,000,000). ( That’s a lot of human beings. Of this extremely large number of souls, how many do you suppose have ever had to stand still, perfectly still, without so much as a finger twitch for 5 minutes? 10 minutes? 15 minutes? 20 minutes? 30 minutes? 40 minutes? 50 minutes? One hour? The lower amount of time, 5 to 20 minutes, is pretty easy to master.