From The Black Belt Book of Life: Secrets of a Martial Arts Master.
Passages & Principles
There can be no excellence without effort.
We live in an age with effort waning With riches expected sans work, But in all reality and actuality There can be no excellence without effort.
Greg “Maddog” Bendel executes a pose during his Green belt test in 1987 at the KIA. He attained his first dan Black Belt on 15 December 1990, becoming the fourteenth Black Belt of the Karate Institute of America. Greg continued his studies and earned his second dan Black Belt degree.
Maddog was an instructor at the KIA, as well as being a martial arts open tournament champion. He was a stickler for detail and precision, which no doubt assisted him in his professional career.
These times we live in are getting scarier and scarier by the day.
Are you prepared to defend yourself or your loved ones?
Would you know what to do and how to do it?
Are you simply living in hope that you’ll always be safe?
Are you prepared to be in the “I-wish-I had-taken-a-self-defense-class” category?
One of the mottos taught at the Karate Institute of America is, If you fail to prepare you prepare to fail.
This week’s photo features not just any psycho, but the KIA’s own Psycho, which is the call sign for James Griffin, the sixtieth Black Belt of the Kiado-Ryu. James’ sister is Anna “Wildcat” Griffin, the fifty-fifth Black Belt of the Karate Institute of America.
Pictured with Psycho and Mr. King is Mr. Griffin, the patriarch of the wonderful Griffin family, and partner with Mrs. Griffin, its matriarch. The Griffins have been stalwart supporters of the KIA for decades, and we are eternally grateful they have shared their hearts, minds, spirits, character and lives with us.
Congratulations to Kim “Cultivator” Thomas and Tristan “Raptor” Ligtvoet for their extremely noteworthy accomplishments on 15 December 2015, Tuesday.
Kim Thomas has now earned the distinguished title, “Master Thomas” for achieving the rank of 5th Dan Black Belt. He is the first student in the history of the Karate Institute of America since its founding in 1979 to achieve such an enormous goal. Kim began his KIA journey in August of 2001 at the age of 45, received is 1st Dan Black Belt rating in July of 2007, and has not let up since, finalizing the “Master Dan” phrase of his journey at age 59.
Tuesday, 8 December 2015, was the first day of KIA impending history in two parts. First, Tristan “Raptor” Ligtvoet (top picture, center), soon to be KIA Black Belt #64, completed day one of his Black Belt test. His smile offers a stark contrast to his tattered gi and sweaty head—a common visual after such an ordeal, as the attending Black Belts will concur. They are, from left to right, Mike “Shooter” Benedict (2nd Dan KIA Black Belt #62), James “Psycho” Griffin (1st Dan KIA Black Belt #60), Chris “Growler” Grau (4th Dan KIA Black Belt #36 and web master for Kiado-Ryu.
Self-defense demands awareness, and make no mistake about it, the world is under assault from radical Islamic terrorists and the decent people in the world must be aware and take positive action to thwart terrorist activity and prevent the loss of life. The incidents in Paris and San Bernardino of late are just two of the latest examples.
Therefore, if you See Something, Say Something, meaning something suspicious. Forget about being politically correct.
General Douglas MacArthur was one of America’s greatest military commanders. As all great warriors, his words are a treasure trove of inspiration and power. Following are four of MacArthur’s famous quotations.
There is no security in life. There is only opportunity.
General Douglas MacArthur Age wrinkles the body. Quitting wrinkles the soul.
General Douglas MacArthur No man is entitled to the blessings of freedom unless he be vigilant in its preservation.
Following is great advice on dealing with a terrorist attack from former Navy Seal, Brandon Webb, and Army Ranger, Jack Murphy, authors of The Isis Solution.
Information courtesy of an interview with Brandon Webb and Jack Murphy with host Megyn Kelly on the FOX News network.
How to survive a terrorist attack
RUN for COVER. “Get off the X” as they say in the Special Ops community. The “X” is the Point of Impact.
Kim “Cultivator” Thomas and Tristan “Raptor” Ligtvoet strike a pose in solidarity as their date with KIA history is set—15 December 2015, Tuesday.
And what is the historical significance? Mr. Thomas will be completing the requirements for his fifth dan Black Belt, an accomplishment earning the title “Master” in the Karate Institute of America system, a feat never before attained in the KIA’s 36 year history.
The second part of the historical evening will witness Mr.