Kiado-Ryu Karate

Dec 12, 2016 - Photo of the Week

A Special Black Belt Christmas Reunion

It was a very special night at Steve Vertun’s Segue office party, as four Karate Institute of America Black Belts were reunited for a wonderful Christmas reunion. Coyote’s business, Segue, is dynamically successful due to his exceptional leadership and managerial skill. Plus, as was evident, his staff reflects qualities of excellence, loyalty, hard work and business acumen, like their boss. It was an inspiring evening to be around such a body of people.

Dec 5, 2016 - Photo of the Week

A Super Stud & Star On The Horizon!

The Karate Institute of America has a new star on the horizon, but it isn’t a martial arts star, at least not yet. Who is it? Pictured with Mr. King is his eldest grandson, Ciaran, aka Lightning, a hockey stud and star on the horizon! This pic was taken in October at a Saturday morning practice at the local hockey rink in the Boston area. And is this kid ever a stud!

Nov 28, 2016 - Photo of the Week

In Tribute to Grandpa Shamassian

The Karate Institute of America is deeply saddened to share the news that Grandpa Shamassian, Hannah’s paternal grandfather, has passed on. Our entire KIA family sends its deepest and most heartfelt condolences to all of the Shamassian family, especially Grandma Shamassian and the loss of her cherished husband. Grandpa Shamassian, pictured in the wheel chair at Hannah’s Purple Belt test in July of 2016, was a loving, kind, gentle, intelligent, supportive, impressive human being—first class all the way.

Nov 21, 2016 - Feature of the Week

A KIA Black Belt's Tennis Team Wins National Championship

Clark “Flash” Hyman, the sixteenth Black Belt of the Karate Institute of America, along with his over-55 tennis buddies, won the USTA National Championship in Arizona a couple weeks ago. So … Congratulations to you, Flash, and your team! National championships are hard to come by. Way to go! In the group photo below, Clark is in the front row, third from the left, aqua tee shirt. The Orange County team representing Southern California defeated a team from Fairfax, VA, 3-0 in the championship match on Sunday, October 30.

Nov 14, 2016 - Photo of the Week

Strength is the Ability to Endure

From The Black Belt Book of Life: Secrets of a Martial Arts Master. Life is a test from birth to death; an endless struggle to maintain one’s balance, poise and grace while striving to achieve one’s personal goals. If we’re to conquer the challenges of life, we must be strong … for the long haul, not just for the passing moment or the fleeting glimpses of capricious fortune. Strength is a virtue.

Nov 7, 2016 - Photo of the Week

Rank Does Not Make the Man. The Man Makes the Rank

In the Kiado-Ryu system, rank doesn’t make the man or woman, the man or woman make the rank. Who we are is not a matter of what we wear around our waist but what we stand for. For example, being a so-called “Black Belt” means nothing unless the individual who wears such a rank exudes those noble virtues associated with it, including but not limited to, self-control, discipline, courage, strength, commitment, humility, kindness, grace, patience, determination, dedication, persistence, respect and honor—a virtue seemingly unknown and forgotten in today’s society.

Oct 31, 2016 - Photo of the Week

For Those Who Remember the King Girls...

Like everyone else, times change, and kids, well, they do grow up and have their own families and lives. Such are the circles and cycles of life. For those of you who remember my girls—Christa and Chandra—when they were young and hanging out at the studio, here they are, all grown up with their own beautiful families. On the bottom row (right) is Christa with her husband, Mike, just behind her.

Oct 17, 2016 - Photo of the Week

Freedom Is Not Free

Freedom is a great privilege. It is not a right, and it is neither free nor guaranteed. Furthermore, freedom can be lost if a person or a people become lazy, negligent, careless, cowardly, apathetic, entitled. Following are a few poignant quotations from great men who understood the true price of freedom. These quotes are worth pondering and absorbing into the DNA of every man, woman and child who seek to be truly free.

Oct 10, 2016 - Photo of the Week

Bob "Grinder" Schreck - Gentleman Black Belt

Bob “Grinder” Shreck is the Sixth Black Belt of the Kiado-Ryu. He received his first dan in 1988 and continued his studies for two more years, attaining a second dan designation. Grinder is the epitome of undying effort and persistence. Because his work schedule would not allow him to attend group classes, Bob studied privately for eight years before attaining his Black Belt. His determination and ability to press on in the face of difficult life challenges make him a great inspiration for us all.

Oct 3, 2016 - Photo of the Week

Character is More Important Than Victory

How strange it is in today’s world that victory at all costs is more important than one’s character. It seems as though the growing consensus of achievement in today’s culture is to cast the moral and ethical quality of one’s very being over the cliff in deference to lying, cheating, stealing, deceiving, misleading. The goal, apparently, is to win the temporal, ephemeral brass ring and forego one’s primal essence.