Kiado-Ryu Karate

Jan 22, 2018 - Photo of the Week

The Family Vail - Then and Now: Part 1

This is too much fun! Jon “Stretch” Vail studied at the Karate Institute of America way back in his teen years. As destiny commanded, when he graduated from high school he went to college in Arizona, received a degree in geology, married his lovely girlfriend Janice, got a job, settled down and started a family. Jon has been wonderfully connected to the KIA and, lucky for us, keeps us updated with his life.

Jan 8, 2018 - Photo of the Week

The King Family

To all of our KIA Family, the King Family wishes you all a healthy, balanced and centered 2018! Those of you who are long-standing Karate Institute of America members might remember Christa and Chandra when they were very little girls. Now they’re all grown up, pictured here with their awesome husbands and beautiful children. What a thrill for the “Old Man” to have the family together! God Bless you all from all of us to you and yours.

Dec 18, 2017 - Photo of the Week

Daunting & Dangerous KIA Damsels

Honing their hand-checking skills are Blue Belt Zemia “Barracuda” Garrett (right) and Purple Belt Judy “Striker” Gompf (left). These two professional ladies are, to be sure, daunting, dangerous damsels. They have power, skill and intent. Athletically, Barracuda has a softball background; Striker a surfer and tennis background. They know how to use their bodies to deliver maximum damage to a target, and if their lives and/or well-beings are threatened they would have no compunction about using maximum force on their assailants to protect themselves.

Dec 11, 2017 - Photo of the Week

Our KIA Hannah Signs "Praise You In This Storm"

How beautiful is this … on many levels! Hannah, a KIA martial arts Purple Belt, is also a proficient artist in American Sign Language (ASL). She has been studying Signing in high school for two and a half years. In her own YouTube video, she beautifully performs “Praise You In This Storm” by Castings Crowns. Her performance is highly artistic, emotionally moving and dramatically inspirational. Thank you, Hannah, for this wonderful performance of “Signing!

Dec 4, 2017 - Photo of the Week

Surfer Chick Catches a Purple Wave

Judy “Striker” Gompf, aka Laguna Beach Surfer Chick, catches a Purple Wave propelling her up the ranks of the Karate Institute of America after passing her Purple belt test on 24 November 2017. Judy is a professional real estate agent, mother of two, possesses multiple collegiate degrees with a résumé heralding nearly two decades of work as a paralegal. A gifted surfer, Striker has applied her athletic skills of strength, balance, timing and concentration to her martial arts discipline.